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About Us


SPREP is the regional organisation established by the Governments and Administrations of the Pacific charged with protecting and managing the environment and natural resources of the Pacific.

The Headquarters is based in Apia, Samoa with other SPREP offices in Fiji, the Republic of the Marshalls Islands and Vanuatu.  SPREP has around 150 staff recruited from around the Pacific region and the world, and has an annual budget of approximately USD35 million in 2022.

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The establishment of SPREP in 1993 sends a clear signal to the global community of the deep commitment of Pacific island Governments and Administrations for better management of the environment within the context of sustainable development.

The strategic direction for SPREP is clearly set out in the 2017-2026 SPREP Strategic Plan. The Plan outlines the mandate, vision and programmes for the organisation, and places strong emphasis on effective delivery of services to SPREP Member countries and territories.

Waste Management and Pollution Control Division

SPREP has the lead responsibility for regional coordination and delivery of waste management and pollution control action and uses the strategic management framework, Cleaner Pacific 2025, in guiding regional cooperation and collaboration.

SPREP promotes evidence-based strategic planning within countries to develop strategies that address emerging priorities and opportunities in locally appropriate ways.

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In assisting Pacific island countries and territories to build capacity to implement waste, chemicals, and pollutants programmes, SPREP continues to focus on in-country human resource support, technical cooperation, and a learn-by-doing approach for longer-term self-sufficiency.

SPREP also works with key international and regional partners to achieve greater integration of sustainable funding and support mechanisms for waste, chemicals, and pollution management programmes.

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